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Song Review: Nirvana “Something In The Way”

December 8, 2011

The opening sounds for “Something In the Way” don’t exactly sound like a guitar melody that alone is worthy for song creation. However, with Kurt Cobain’s innovative and versatile voice, he is able to create a heartbreaking somber story-telling song with hardly any lyrical variation. One verse repeated twice, along with a chorus that consists of a singular line that also makes up the title, makes up the entirety of the song.


The one verse that gets repeated is so dense in meaning, associations, and insinuations that it doesn’t need to be altered or varied in order to keep a listener listening- if I may. The story of homelessness, and living under a bridge (which is supposedly how Cobain lived at one point) is the true definition of sorrow and loneliness. His loneliness is demonstrated through his self-described befriending or domesticating of wild animals; perhaps these animals are so dear to him because of the void that people have left in his life, because if he lives under a bridge he mustn’t have received much help.


The cello that plays as “Something In The Way” is sung, turns the song from oddity to elegant. While Cobain’s slow singing, which almost sounds like a whisper, is sung so smoothly that it doubles as a lead guitar and forms the dominant melody, the graceful cello contributes to the mood in a way that words can hardly describe. It turns “Something In The Way” from a song about living under a bridge, to an agent for experiencing the mood that is being described. The mood is most easily compared to a complete state of hopelessness, past the confines of desperation, and motivation to change the situation. The actual words “something in the way” may be referring to the notion that there is something in the way of being able to take action, or to try and change this hopeless state.

“Something In The Way” is an epic. Although it contains little to no variation or variety in the lyrics and sound, it has the intangible affect of being able to evoke a very emotional mood from a listener, comparable to Led Zeppelin’s “Stairway to Heaven”.  The lyrics don’t give away too much, and leave much to the imagination and much for interpretation; but the ability to present compelling, vivid and emotional imagery is what makes the lyrics amazing. This is my choice for best song on the album.


“Something In The Way” Rating: 5/5

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