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Song Review: Nirvana “Smells Like Teen Spirit”

December 8, 2011

I’ve always thought of Rolling Stone’s 9th best song of all time, “Smells Like Teen Spirit” as the undeniably most confusing song of all time. “Load up on guns and briiiiing your frieeeends” Cobain groans in the opening lines. The buzzy, raw timbre of his groaning not only matches the melody perfectly, but also confuses the listener as to what emotion is truly being expressed here. Just as the spoken words in “Smells Like Teen Spirit” have always been subject to a barbershop debate, the ambiguous lyrics provide for an ambiguous message of the well-known anthem.

I have a personal connection to the song because I remember watching the music video at a very young age, Cobain rocking out head down, with his Freddy Kruger -like striped shirt on, will always be burned into my memories.


“Here we are now, entertain us” to me is one of the greatest lines in rock history. Many critics contest that Cobain’s lyrical ability was successful because of it’s ambiguity, and because it was so senseless, that it was placed on a pedestal. Now although Cobain did affirm that lyrics are the last part of Nirvana’s musical process, I still disagree completely with the argument that there is no real message, subliminal or outright.

The song to me captures the essence of the bored and rebellious American youth. I believe that the song is about the mixed feelings of the average modern American adolescent, fearless and eager to question authority and the reasoning for the American value system we all submit to. “Load up your guns and bring your friends” is an example of the youth’s desire to cause chaos, and contest authority, drawing on the very common feelings of the American youth to unite and trust in friends as opposed to family. This idea is once again referenced in the line “Our little group has always been, and always will until the end”.

The chorus of “Smells Like Teen Spirit” is a masterpiece. As much of a challenge it is to decipher the chorus, the eventual discovery adds depth to the song, as meaning is not given outright, but in certain lines- one word examples.  “I feel stupid and contagious” is a testament to kid’s tendency to unite on ideas, and polarize their opinions, just for the sake of having a cause and identity. “A mulatto, an albino” is a question of society’s everlasting desire to be judgmental on all of it’s members, especially those who stand out, such as mulatto’s and those of mixed race. Nirvana’s origins in Seattle could explain why they are so eager to push for acceptance of people. Seattle has always been a stronghold for the counter-culture and a symbol for an outgoing American lifestyle.

Nirvana's Roots Lie Near Seattle

The following two lines, “a mosquito, my libido” to me show the flaws in the rebellious American youth. A mosquito is symbolic for being annoyed, and as American’s, our patience and tolerance for others is never our strong suit. “My libido!” just as the mosquito reference did, is an admission of flaws by the same entity who is questioning authority and American values. I think that by including his sex drive in the chorus, it is a statement that admits to hypocrisy, but strategically. By admitting that even those who point the fingers still pursue deviancy, it is a social commentary on American society, which features indecency everywhere, programming us to partake in sexual fanaticism. “Sex sells” is the number one phrase in marketing, and for good reason.

Overall “Smells Like Teen Spirit” is undoubtedly a classic. With an intro that will make any party get excited to scream along, a melody that is catchy enough for everybody-and-their-mothers to recite, solid instrumentation, and a gem of a performance from Kurt Cobain, Rolling Stone was not far off putting it in their top ten. If upon digging for the lyrics and therefore losing the “incomprehensible” argument, a listener remains a critic, they must have missed the message because it is truly the rebellious anthem of the American Youth


“Smells like Teen Spirit” Rating: 5/5

Load up on guns and
Bring your friends
It’s fun to lose
And to pretend
She’s over bored
And self assured
Oh no, I know
A dirty word

hello, how low?

With the lights out it’s less dangerous
Here we are now
Entertain us
I feel stupid and contagious
Here we are now
Entertain us
A mulatto
An albino
A mosquito
My Libido

I’m worse at what I do best
And for this gift I feel blessed
Our little group has always been
And always will until the end

hello, how low?

With the lights out it’s less dangerous
Here we are now
Entertain us
I feel stupid and contagious
Here we are now
Entertain us
A mulatto
An albino
A mosquito
My Libido

And I forget
Just why I taste
Oh yeah, I guess it makes me smile
I found it hard
It was hard to find
Oh well, whatever, nevermind

hello, how low?

With the lights out it’s less dangerous
Here we are now
Entertain us
I feel stupid and contagious
Here we are now
Entertain us
A mulatto
An albino
A mosquito
My Libido
Yeah, a denial
A denial
A denial…


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