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Song Review: Nirvana “In Bloom”

December 8, 2011

“In Bloom” features the element of Nirvana I have noticed most since listening to Nevermind. That is, alternating the strength and tempo of the verse and chorus, “In Bloom” specifically consists of slow, low-powered verses, with a softer-singing Cobain. As the verse works up towards the chorus, Cobain’s volume takes off, and Dave Grohl gradually begins his onslaught on the drums. In the chorus, Grohl slams on the drums, making this one of the few tracks on Nevermind that truly exhibit his talent. The high-powered driving chorus also gradually decreases as it proceeds to the next verse, providing for a crescendo and explosion of music on the chorus that makes it well worth the wait for the 4-line verses.


The chorus of the song seems clear to me, that Cobain is calling out those who participate in the rebellious efforts along with Nirvana (listen to their music, attend their shows, sings along), but fails to really grasp the message of the band, whatever that may be. I say that the message is ambiguous because the content of the verses don’t offer much insight into the details of why these particular fans are being casted out. While “Nature is a whore” is as provocative as it is catchy, it doesn’t make a whole lot of sense to me, and this seems to be the common theme of both verses. “Spring is here again, reproductive glands” rhymes well, but if there is some subliminal meaning to this, it’s flying way over my head.

Nature Is A Whore?


I like “In Bloom” mostly because I too am a avid opponent of ignorance; I avoid listening to music/following bands that have messages that I don’t support, and I do not pretend to be a part of something that I do not necessarily practice myself. The opposite of these seems to be the person that the lyrics are drawing light on; those who are quick to shoot off their guns for a cause, for example, of world peace or stricter gun laws. The person Cobain describes is the ignorant poser, who sings a long- but has not a clue of the meaning to the lyrics, or what it means to be a true follower and supporter of the message of Nirvana.


“In Bloom” Rating: 2.5/5


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